diff --git a/quicp2p.nim b/quicp2p.nim index 53fce52..b3d4498 100644 --- a/quicp2p.nim +++ b/quicp2p.nim @@ -338,7 +338,6 @@ proc handleNotification(ctx: QuicP2PContext, notification: NotifyPeer) {.async.} = let _ = await ctx.puncher.respond(notification.srcIp, notification.srcPort, notification.probedsrcPorts) - echo "respond successful!" proc runApp(ctx: QuicP2PContext, srcPort: Port, peerId: string) {.async.} = let serverConn = await initServerConnection(rendezvousServers[0].hostname, @@ -359,7 +358,6 @@ proc runApp(ctx: QuicP2PContext, srcPort: Port, peerId: string) {.async.} = try: let msg = parseMessage[NotifyPeer](data) # FIXME: check if we want to receive messages from the sender - echo "received message from ", msg.sender asyncCheck handleNotification(ctx, msg) except ValueError as e: echo e.msg @@ -375,7 +373,6 @@ proc runApp(ctx: QuicP2PContext, srcPort: Port, peerId: string) {.async.} = discard await serverConn.sendRequest("notify-peer", req) let peerPort = await ctx.puncher.initiate(peerInfo.ip, peerInfo.localPort, peerInfo.probedPorts) - echo "initiate successful!" initiateQuicConnection(ctx, peerId, peerInfo.ip, peerPort) proc main() =