from nativesockets import Domain, SockType, Protocol from net import IpAddress, Port, `$`, `==`, parseIpAddress from sequtils import filter import asyncdispatch, asyncnet, os, strformat, strutils import asyncutils import message import options import tables import tcp_syni import tcp_nutss import udp type Punchd = ref object unixSocket: AsyncSocket punchers: Table[string, Puncher] attempts: seq[Attempt] Sigint = object of CatchableError const PunchdSocket = "/tmp/punchd.socket" proc handleSigint() {.noconv.} = raise newException(Sigint, "received SIGINT") proc sendToClient(unixSock: AsyncSocket, msg: string, cmsgs: seq[ControlMessage] = @[]) {.async.} = if not unixSock.isClosed(): let unixFd = unixSock.getFd.AsyncFD await unixFd.asyncSendMsg(msg, cmsgs) proc findAttemptsByLocalAddr(punchd: Punchd, protocol: Protocol, srcIp: IpAddress, srcPort: Port): seq[Attempt] = proc matchesLocalAddr(a: Attempt): bool = a.protocol == protocol and a.srcIp == srcIp and a.srcPort == srcPort punchd.attempts.filter(matchesLocalAddr) proc acceptConnections(punchd: Punchd, ip: IpAddress, port: Port, protocol: Protocol) {.async.} = var sockType: SockType case protocol: of IPPROTO_TCP: sockType = SOCK_STREAM of IPPROTO_UDP: sockType = SOCK_DGRAM else: assert(false, "can only accept TCP or UDP connections") let sock = newAsyncSocket(sockType = sockType, protocol = protocol) sock.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, true) sock.bindAddr(port, $ip) sock.listen() while true: let acceptFuture = sock.accept() await acceptFuture or sleepAsync(Timeout) if acceptFuture.finished(): let peer = let (peerAddr, peerPort) = peer.getPeerAddr() let peerIp = parseIpAddress(peerAddr) let query = Attempt(protocol: protocol, srcIp: ip, srcPort: port, dstIp: peerIp, dstPorts: @[peerPort]) let i = punchd.attempts.find(query) if i == -1: echo "Accepted connection, but no attempt found. Discarding." peer.close() continue else: let acceptFuture = punchd.attempts[i].acceptFuture.get() acceptFuture.complete(peer) let localAddrMatches = punchd.findAttemptsByLocalAddr(protocol, ip, port) if localAddrMatches.len() <= 1: break sock.close() proc addAttempt(punchd: Punchd, attempt: Attempt) = let localAddrMatches = punchd.findAttemptsByLocalAddr(attempt.protocol, attempt.srcIp, attempt.srcPort) punchd.attempts.add(attempt) if localAddrMatches.len() == 0: if attempt.acceptFuture.isSome(): asyncCheck punchd.acceptConnections(attempt.srcIp, attempt.srcPort, attempt.protocol) elif localAddrMatches.contains(attempt): raise newException(PunchHoleError, "hole punching for given parameters already active") proc removeAttempt(punchd: Punchd, attempt: Attempt) = punchd.attempts.del(punchd.attempts.find(attempt)) proc handleRequest(punchd: Punchd, line: string, unixSock: AsyncSocket) {.async.} = var id: string var sock: AsyncSocket var attempt: Attempt try: let args = line.parseArgs(4) id = args[1] let puncher = punchd.punchers[args[2]] case args[0]: of "initiate": attempt = puncher.parseInitiateRequest(args[3]) punchd.addAttempt(attempt) proc progress(extraArgs: string) {.async.} = let msg = &"progress|{id}|{args[2]}|{args[3]}|{extraArgs}\n" await sendToClient(unixSock, msg) sock = await puncher.initiate(attempt, progress) punchd.removeAttempt(attempt) of "respond": attempt = puncher.parseRespondRequest(args[3]) punchd.addAttempt(attempt) sock = await puncher.respond(attempt) punchd.removeAttempt(attempt) else: raise newException(ValueError, "invalid request") await sendToClient(unixSock, &"ok|{id}\n", @[fromFd(sock.getFd.AsyncFD)]) sock.close() except PunchHoleError as e: punchd.removeAttempt(attempt) await sendToClient(unixSock, &"error|{id}|{e.msg}\n") except KeyError, ValueError: unixSock.close proc handleRequests(punchd: Punchd, userSock: AsyncSocket) {.async.} = while true: if userSock.isClosed: break let line = await userSock.recvLine(maxLength = 400) if line.len == 0: userSock.close() break asyncCheck punchd.handleRequest(line, userSock) proc handleUsers(punchd: Punchd) {.async.} = while true: let user = await punchd.unixSocket.accept() asyncCheck punchd.handleRequests(user) proc main() = setControlCHook(handleSigint) removeFile(PunchdSocket) let unixSocket = newAsyncSocket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP) unixSocket.bindUnix(PunchdSocket) unixSocket.listen() setFilePermissions(PunchdSocket, {fpUserRead, fpUserWrite, fpGroupRead, fpGroupWrite, fpOthersRead, fpOthersWrite}) let punchd = Punchd(unixSocket: unixSocket) punchd.punchers["tcp-syni"] = initTcpSyniPuncher() punchd.punchers["tcp-nutss"] = initTcpNutssPuncher() punchd.punchers["udp"] = initUdpPuncher() asyncCheck handleUsers(punchd) try: runForever() except Sigint: while punchd.attempts.len() != 0: waitFor punchd.attempts.pop().cleanup() punchd.unixSocket.close() removeFile(PunchdSocket) when isMainModule: main()