from nativesockets import ntohs, ntohl, htons, htonl from net import IpAddress, IpAddressFamily, Port, `$` from posix import InAddr, inet_ntoa from random import randomize, rand import unittest type Ether_header {.importc: "struct ether_header", pure, final, header: "".} = object ether_dhost: array[6, uint8] ether_shost: array[6, uint8] ether_type: cushort Ip {.importc: "struct ip", pure, final, header: "".} = object when cpuEndian == littleEndian: ip_hl {.bitsize:4.}: uint # header length ip_v {.bitsize:4.}: uint # version else: ip_v {.bitsize:4.}: uint # version ip_hl {.bitsize:4.}: uint # header length ip_tos: uint8 # type of service ip_len: cushort # total length ip_id: cushort # identification ip_off: cushort # fragment offset field ip_ttl: uint8 # time to live ip_p: cuchar # protocol ip_sum: cushort # checksum ip_src: InAddr # source address ip_dst: InAddr # destination address Tcphdr {.importc: "struct tcphdr", pure, final, header: "".} = object th_sport: uint16 # source port th_dport: uint16 # destination port th_seq: uint32 # sequence number th_ack: uint32 # ackkowledgment number when cpuEndian == littleEndian: th_x2 {.bitsize:4.}: uint8 # (unused) th_off {.bitsize:4.}: uint8 # data offset else: th_off {.bitsize:4.}: uint8 # (unused) th_x2 {.bitsize:4.}: uint8 # data offset th_flags: uint8 # flags th_win: uint16 # window th_sum: uint16 # checksum th_urp: uint16 # urgent pointer TransportProtocol* = enum tcp other TcpFlag* {.size: sizeof(uint8).} = enum FIN SYN RST PSH ACK URG IpPacket* = object ipAddrSrc*: IpAddress ipAddrDst*: IpAddress ipTTL*: uint8 case protocol*: TransportProtocol of tcp: tcpPortSrc*: Port tcpPortDst*: Port tcpSeqNumber*: uint32 tcpAckNumber*: uint32 tcpFlags*: set[TcpFlag] tcpWindowSize*: uint16 else: discard var ETHERTYPE_IP {.importc: "ETHERTYPE_IP", header: "".}: cushort IPPROTO_TCP {.importc: "IPPROTO_TCP", header: "".}: cint proc parseEthernetPacket*(input: string): IpPacket = let etherHeader = cast[ptr Ether_header](input.cstring) if ntohs(etherHeader.ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_IP: let ipHeader = cast[ptr Ip](cast[int](input.cstring) + sizeof(Ether_header)) let ipSrcScalar = ipHeader.ip_src.s_addr let ipDstScalar = ipHeader.ip_dst.s_addr let ipSrc = IpAddress(family: Ipv4, address_v4: cast[array[4, uint8]](ipSrcScalar)) let ipDst = IpAddress(family: Ipv4, address_v4: cast[array[4, uint8]](ipDstScalar)) if == IPPROTO_TCP: let tcpHeader = cast[ptr Tcphdr](cast[int](ipHeader) + * 4) result = IpPacket(protocol: tcp, ipAddrSrc: ipSrc, ipAddrDst: ipDst, ipTTL: ipHeader.ip_ttl, tcpPortSrc: Port(ntohs(tcpHeader.th_sport)), tcpPortDst: Port(ntohs(tcpHeader.th_dport)), tcpSeqNumber: ntohl(tcpHeader.th_seq), tcpAckNumber: ntohl(tcpHeader.th_ack), tcpFlags: cast[set[TcpFlag]](tcpHeader.th_flags), tcpWindowSize: ntohs(tcpHeader.th_win)) else: result = IpPacket(protocol: other) else: result = IpPacket(protocol: other) proc tcpChecksum(buffer: string): uint16 = let ip = cast[ptr Ip](buffer.cstring) var tcp = cast[ptr uint16](cast[ByteAddress](ip) + * 4) var tcpLen = ntohs(ip.ip_len) - ip.ip_hl.uint16 * 4 var checksum = 0.uint32 # Add source IP address checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_src.s_addr) shr 16 and 0xFFFF).uint16 checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_src.s_addr) and 0xFFFF).uint16 # Add dest IP address checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_dst.s_addr) shr 16 and 0xFFFF).uint16 checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_dst.s_addr) and 0xFFFF).uint16 # Add protocol and reserved checksum = checksum + ip.ip_p.uint16 # Add length of the IP payload checksum = checksum + tcpLen # Add IP payload while tcpLen > 1: checksum = checksum + ntohs(tcp[]) tcp = cast[ptr uint16](cast[ByteAddress](tcp) + sizeof(uint16)) tcpLen = tcpLen - sizeof(uint16).uint16 # Add leftover byte if tcpLen != 0: checksum = checksum + cast[ptr uint8](tcp)[] # Fold 16-bit segments of the 32-bit checksum and add carry bit. Result is the # one's complement. checksum = (checksum and 0xFFFF).uint16 + (checksum shr 16).uint16 checksum = checksum + checksum shr 16 result = not checksum.uint16 proc serialize*(packet: IpPacket): string = randomize() case packet.protocol of tcp: result = newString(sizeof(Ip) + sizeof(Tcphdr)) zeroMem(result.cstring, result.len) let srcIp = InAddr(s_addr: cast[uint32](packet.ipAddrSrc.address_v4)) let dstIp = InAddr(s_addr: cast[uint32](packet.ipAddrDst.address_v4)) let ipHeader = cast[ptr Ip](addr result[0]) ipHeader.ip_hl = 5 ipHeader.ip_v = 4 ipHeader.ip_tos = 0 ipHeader.ip_len = htons(sizeof(Ip).uint16 + sizeof(TcpHdr).uint16) ipHeader.ip_id = rand(cushort) ipHeader.ip_off = 0 ipHeader.ip_ttl = packet.ipTTL ipHeader.ip_p = 6.cuchar ipHeader.ip_src = srcIp ipHeader.ip_dst = dstIp let tcpHeader = cast[ptr Tcphdr](addr result[sizeof(Ip)]) tcpHeader.th_sport = htons(packet.tcpPortSrc.uint16) tcpHeader.th_dport = htons(packet.tcpPortDst.uint16) tcpHeader.th_seq = htonl(packet.tcpSeqNumber) tcpHeader.th_ack = htonl(packet.tcpAckNumber) tcpHeader.th_off = 5 tcpHeader.th_flags = cast[uint8](packet.tcpFlags) tcpHeader.th_win = htons(packet.tcpWindowSize) tcpHeader.th_urp = 0 tcpHeader.th_sum = htons(tcpChecksum(result)) else: raise newException(ValueError, "protocol not supported") suite "ip_packet tests": setup: var ipHeader = Ip(ip_hl: 5, ip_v: 4, ip_tos: 0, ip_len: htons(40), ip_id: htons(54321), ip_off: 0, ip_ttl: 64, ip_p: 6.cuchar, ip_src: InAddr(s_addr: htonl(0x5abb2bd9.uint32)), ip_dst: InAddr(s_addr: htonl(0x0a000069.uint32))) tcpHeader = Tcphdr(th_sport: htons(4321), th_dport: htons(1234), th_seq: htonl(345364), th_ack: 0, th_off: 5, th_flags: cast[uint8]({SYN}), th_win: htons(1452 * 10), th_urp: 0) test "tcpChecksum": var buffer = newString(sizeof(Ip) + sizeof(Tcphdr)) zeroMem(addr buffer[0], buffer.len) copyMem(addr buffer[0], addr ipHeader, sizeof(Ip)) copyMem(addr buffer[sizeof(Ip)], addr tcpHeader, sizeof(Tcphdr)) check(tcpChecksum(buffer) == 35681)