calculate TCP checksum

Christian Ulrich 2020-07-18 12:38:21 +02:00
parent 4499c09e85
commit c2c36c3a1e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8241BE099775A097
1 changed files with 75 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from nativesockets import ntohs, ntohl, htons, htonl
from net import IpAddress, IpAddressFamily, Port, `$`
from posix import InAddr, inet_ntoa
import unittest
Ether_header {.importc: "struct ether_header", pure, final,
@ -97,33 +98,84 @@ proc parseEthernetPacket*(input: string): IpPacket =
result = IpPacket(protocol: other)
proc tcpChecksum(buffer: string): uint16 =
let ip = cast[ptr Ip](buffer.cstring)
var tcp = cast[ptr uint16](cast[ByteAddress](ip) + * 4)
var tcpLen = ntohs(ip.ip_len) - ip.ip_hl.uint16 * 4
var checksum = 0.uint32
# Add source IP address
checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_src.s_addr) shr 16 and 0xFFFF).uint16
checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_src.s_addr) and 0xFFFF).uint16
# Add dest IP address
checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_dst.s_addr) shr 16 and 0xFFFF).uint16
checksum = checksum + (ntohl(ip.ip_dst.s_addr) and 0xFFFF).uint16
# Add protocol and reserved
checksum = checksum + ip.ip_p.uint16
# Add length of the IP payload
checksum = checksum + tcpLen
# Add IP payload
while tcpLen > 1:
checksum = checksum + ntohs(tcp[])
tcp = cast[ptr uint16](cast[ByteAddress](tcp) + sizeof(uint16))
tcpLen = tcpLen - sizeof(uint16).uint16
# Add leftover single byte
if tcpLen != 0:
checksum = checksum + cast[ptr uint8](tcp)[]
# Fold 16-bit segments of the 32-bit checksum and add carry bit. Result is the
# one's complement.
checksum = (checksum and 0xFFFF).uint16 + (checksum shr 16).uint16
checksum = checksum + checksum shr 16
result = not checksum.uint16
proc serialize*(packet: IpPacket): string =
case packet.protocol
of tcp:
result = newString(sizeof(Ip) + sizeof(Tcphdr))
zeroMem(result.cstring, result.len)
let srcIp = InAddr(s_addr: cast[uint32](packet.tcpIpSrc.address_v4))
let dstIp = InAddr(s_addr: cast[uint32](packet.tcpIpDst.address_v4))
var ipHeader = Ip(ip_hl: 5,
ip_v: 4,
ip_tos: 0,
ip_len: sizeof(Ip).uint16 + sizeof(TcpHdr).uint16,
ip_id: htons(54321), # FIXME: random number
ip_off: 0,
ip_ttl: 64,
ip_p: 6.cuchar,
ip_sum: htons(0), # done by kernel
ip_src: srcIp,
ip_dst: dstIp)
var tcpHeader = Tcphdr(th_sport: htons(packet.tcpPortSrc.uint16),
th_dport: htons(packet.tcpPortDst.uint16),
th_seq: htonl(packet.tcpSeqNumber),
th_ack: 0,
th_off: 5,
th_flags: cast[uint8](packet.tcpFlags),
th_win: 1452 * 10,
th_sum: 0,
th_urp: 0)
result = newString(sizeof(Ip) + sizeof(Tcphdr))
copyMem(addr result[0], addr ipHeader, sizeof(Ip))
copyMem(addr result[sizeof(Ip)], addr tcpHeader, sizeof(Tcphdr))
let ipHeader = cast[ptr Ip](addr result[0])
ipHeader.ip_hl = 5
ipHeader.ip_v = 4
ipHeader.ip_tos = 0
ipHeader.ip_len = htons(sizeof(Ip).uint16 + sizeof(TcpHdr).uint16)
ipHeader.ip_id = htons(54321) # FIXME = random number
ipHeader.ip_off = 0
ipHeader.ip_ttl = 64
ipHeader.ip_p = 6.cuchar
ipHeader.ip_src = srcIp
ipHeader.ip_dst = dstIp
let tcpHeader = cast[ptr Tcphdr](addr result[sizeof(Ip)])
tcpHeader.th_sport = htons(packet.tcpPortSrc.uint16)
tcpHeader.th_dport = htons(packet.tcpPortDst.uint16)
tcpHeader.th_seq = htonl(packet.tcpSeqNumber)
tcpHeader.th_ack = 0
tcpHeader.th_off = 5
tcpHeader.th_flags = cast[uint8](packet.tcpFlags)
tcpHeader.th_win = htons(1452 * 10)
tcpHeader.th_urp = 0
tcpHeader.th_sum = htons(tcpChecksum(result))
raise newException(ValueError, "protocol not supported")
suite "ip_packet tests":
ipHeader = Ip(ip_hl: 5, ip_v: 4, ip_tos: 0, ip_len: htons(40),
ip_id: htons(54321), ip_off: 0, ip_ttl: 64, ip_p: 6.cuchar,
ip_src: InAddr(s_addr: htonl(0x5abb2bd9.uint32)),
ip_dst: InAddr(s_addr: htonl(0x0a000069.uint32)))
tcpHeader = Tcphdr(th_sport: htons(4321), th_dport: htons(1234),
th_seq: htonl(345364), th_ack: 0, th_off: 5,
th_flags: cast[uint8]({SYN}), th_win: htons(1452 * 10),
th_urp: 0)
test "tcpChecksum":
var buffer = newString(sizeof(Ip) + sizeof(Tcphdr))
zeroMem(addr buffer[0], buffer.len)
copyMem(addr buffer[0], addr ipHeader, sizeof(Ip))
copyMem(addr buffer[sizeof(Ip)], addr tcpHeader, sizeof(Tcphdr))
check(tcpChecksum(buffer) == 35681)