diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fa76e58..0ebccfb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ TBD # Configuration The configuration options are described in `homeserverdns.cfg`. First a protocol has to be defined, e.g. -`` +``` protocol=gandi -`` +``` For authentication at the domain provider, an authentication token has to be geven. Some protocols require a user name and an API address, too. -`` +``` auth_key=g5Hdsfkj5J49li8HH3jfhsJp user= # not required for gandi api_address= # not required for gandi -`` +``` Now the domains (and subdomains) we want to update A and AAAA records for have to be defined. -`` +``` domains=mydomain.com sub.mydomain.com -`` +``` By default `UPNP` is used for detecting the server's public IPv4 address. So we should check if upnp works and returns the correct IPv4 address. -`` +``` $ upnpc -s upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version 1.9. (c) 2005-2016 Thomas Bernard. @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ MaxBitRateDown : 10000000 bps (10.0 Mbps) MaxBitRateUp 1000000 bps (1.0 Mbps) ExternalIPAddress = Bytes: Sent: 402633281 Recv: 816703147 Packets: Sent: 3408416 Recv: 4216845 -`` +``` If we don't get a value for `ExternalIPAddress`, we should check our router and firewall settings. If `UPNP` does not work for us (e.g. in case the server is behind a Carrier Grade NAT), we can define our own method for looking up our public IPv4 address using the `public_ip4_hook` config option, e.g. -`` +``` public_ip4_hook=curl -s -4 https://ipecho.net/plain -`` +```